This page explains about getting help with childcare costs when your child comes to our nursery in Liverpool.
We take part in the Government scheme that funds free nursery places for children aged 2-4. The Childcare Academy currently has nursery places available for children aged two, three and four years old.
Nursery care for children aged 2-4 is often free. What you are entitled to depends on a number of different factors and each situation is slightly different, ranging from your income to immigration status.
Below you will find some guidance and useful links to help you establish what you might be entitled to and how to claim.
Parents and carers can call HMRC on 03001234097 to check their eligibility.
For Children Aged 3 to 4
At our nursery in The Baltic Triangle, every child aged 3-4 is entitled to 570 free childcare hours per year. This is normally taken over 38 weeks of the year, at 15 hours a week.
Some 3-4 year olds are eligible to receive 30 hours free childcare per week. Details about this can be found on the Government site here.
For Children Aged 2
To qualify for free care at The Childcare Academy you must be in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits. You are also likely to qualify if a child is looked after by a local authority, has a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan.
Other qualifying factors could be if the child receives Disability Living Allowance or has left care under an adoption order, special guardianship order or a child arrangements order. Further information on this and guidance for non-EEA citizens who cannot claim benefits is on the Government site here.
Where to find further information:
Guidance from Liverpool City Council
Use GOV.UK’s online tool to check if you can get help with childcare costs
Find out more about 15 hours free childcare for 3 and 4-year-olds here
Check if you’re eligible and find out how to apply for 30 hours free childcare a week.